I Chose to Be Healthy and Here’s What Happened

Everyone battles insecurities. It’s a part of life. I know I have been through it. One thing in particular that I have been insecure about, like many others, is body image. However, I have not struggled with the need to lose weight. I have struggled with feeling as though I have lost some of the muscle strength I used to have when I played sports. Not being active and eating a lot made me feel gross and sick at times. Feeling this way put a damper on my mental health. So, a few years ago, I made the decision to be healthy.

I began by eating balanced. It was not about always eating the lighter option, but making sure I was giving my body proper nutrition, while also treating myself. I would eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner, filled with protein, healthy carbs, fruit and veggies, but I’d also let myself have a cookie or some ice cream.

I realized when it came to fitness, I would always want to stick to a routine, but it never really stuck. For a while, I tried the Blogilate’s Pop Pilate’s program, which was a HIIT workout. These workouts are great, but for anyone who struggles with neck and shoulder complications like me, then some of the exercises are not suited for you. I had a hard time with this, so I gave it up and searched for something new. I decided that running would be great for me. I started to run on the treadmill, starting from a mile on the treadmill two-three times a week and working up to three miles, in order to train for the 5K race I organize. Doing this and yoga became a great routine for me. I ended up running the 5K for the first time since it started. Yoga helped my flexibility and my mental health. It was wonderful.

I did notice that as much as running felt great, I still lacked muscle. This past fall, I wanted to try my hand at strength building. Since the beginning of the semester, I have been working out two-three times a week in the mornings. Since then, I’ve been following this routine:

My Routine:

Twice a Week:

  • Cardio: 50 jumping jacks, 25 burpees, 40 high knees.
  • Butt: 30 squats and 30 bridges (with resistance bands), 25 kickbacks per side, 20 fire hydrants per side (with ankle weights).
  • Abs: 50 crunches, 20 V-ups, 40 Russian twists, 15 sides crunches per side, 10 push-ups.
  • Leg: 30 lunges, 30 side lunges (with resistance bands), 40 calf raises, 50 jumping jacks.

Once a Week:

  • Yoga with Adrienne: I have never been one for yoga classes. This Youtube channel offers full yoga workouts for no cost ranging from 5-minutes to 45 minutes.
  • Run: This is a recent addition to my new workout routine. I am once again training for a 5K and am starting with my one mile a week and slowly increasing it as the date approaches.


What Happened:

Throughout my fitness journey, I didn’t step on a scale. I wasn’t focused on the number, I was focused on how I felt. After becoming more active, I have felt healthier and have felt stronger. I am no longer feeling winded after climbing flights of stairs to get to class. I can more easily help lift and move heavy objects when my parents need a hand. I feel stronger and I am becoming more aware of what my body is able to do when it is fit.

The other week, my sister stepped on a scale while I was with her. Just out of curiosity, I did the same. Doing so I realized I had lost ten pounds in a year. I am still at a healthy weight for my height. The weight I am at now is much more suited for my frame. However, I know so many people go into fitness with their eyes glued to the scale. I can honestly say I have benefited from not looking focusing on the number, but the way I am feeling. Working out and eating balanced has made me feel so much better physically and mentally.

When it comes to healthy living, I often say “to all their own.” It is most important to live a lifestyle that makes you feel happy and comfortable in whatever skin you’re in. This post is mainly for me to share my own experiences. For me, focusing on the feeling and not the number has helped me stick to my routine and feel much more motivated in my workouts.


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